Timer Tools

Timer Tools Free Download

So, I created OBS Timer:
OBS Timer does all the work for you, no need to tell it to update the time, no need to do math, no need to press a button 45 times and clear out the seconds: it just works.
The time is set automatically and it turns off the countdown when you're done. You don't even have to worry about the time format, it's always hh:mm:ss.
All the buttons are preset for 15 minute intervals that advance automatically as time progresses. Want to set a countdown timer? Press a button.
The only thing you need to know is that the output file is saved into your documents directory (obs_timer_text.txt). Add that as a text layer in OBS and you're good to go.
Download here:
All you need to do is run the downloaded file and the install will do everything for you. It even opens OBS automatically for you.
Source code here:
Note: This is an alpha release, I've only tested it on two computers, so if you have any problems please post here or on GitHub so I can fix them.

Timer Tools Demo
Online Timer & Alarm: OnlineClock.net offers this simple digital Timer to use for free online! Set a timer, see a Meme (updated daily)! A Free flash online stopwatch, quick easy to use flash stopwatch! Also a countdown timer! Lyne crack. Use this great online timer tool at at Internet 4 Classrooms, internet resources for teachers and students, children and parents.